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Will the government share alien secrets as required by the December 2020 stimulus package?

Writer's picture: Stephen GardnerStephen Gardner

Buried inside the 5,593 page stimulus check package and federal spending bill is a section of law that could reveal government secrets and its not what you think.

You’re not going to want to miss today’s article.

Upon signing the Stimulus Check Package and Federal Spending bill President Trump started a 180 day count down to reveal whether there is known alien life, the details of UFO’s and Unidentified Ariel Phenomenon and any accompanying technology.

For many decades Americans have been curious about area 51, rumors of alien life and existing technology that could enhance and improve our world.

Then out of almost nowhere, President Trump created and started the 18th military branch called Space Force. This just celebrated its 1 year anniversary.

The committee demanding these answers is the Senate Intelligence Committee headed by Senator Marco Rubio.

The report must detail any data the FBI is holding, information from restricted air space and any information on UFO’s and arial phenomenon.

On Tuesday in a briefing report, the Pentagon acknowledged this report was true and they would begin working with the secretary of defense.

Chris Mellon, former deputy assistant secretary of defense intelligence said, This is extraordinary and a long overdue opportunity.

The question is, will they actually comply and release everything they know.

Will Senator Marco Rubio’s committee release the information to the public once they have a chance to review it in June?

Or will the American people continue to be left in the dark?

Let me know what you think in the comments?

Will this mystery continue to stay a secret?

Do you think there is other life in the universe?

Has our military gathered sufficient evidence and kept it secret from us?

When asked about UFO’s and alien life, President Trump said, I’m not a believer, but you know, I guess anything is possible?

I guess we will find out sometime after June whether there is any truth to aliens and their supposed advanced technology or if the US government will continue to keep us in the dark.

I’m curious from my community, do you think there is other life out there?

Or is alien speculation a distraction technique used by our government?

Until we know, I guess we will have to rely on Star Wars to educate us on what life might exist in a galaxy far, far away.

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34 comentarios

David Sheridan
David Sheridan
27 sept 2021

Hello Stephen. This may be an unpopular view but, in my own belief, I do not believe in extra terrestrials per say. I do believe in interdimensional beings such as Angels and Demons, but, not space aliens as they put it. There is good and evil out there. That been said now, this is what I think. There are two opposing forces at work here. Angels and demons. I believe that the fallen angels and demons have worked very hard at veiling their true identities and created this massive hoax upon mankind and given us new tech that is new to us from another dimension. Their plan is diabolical in nature. However, whenever I hear about "ET's" immediately within my…

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Miembro desconocido
11 jul 2023
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Dinorah T de León
Dinorah T de León
24 sept 2021

It’s not to the government advantage to admit there is alien existence, because it will cause mass hysteria and it will destabilize the economy and force us into One World Order. The people will question Religion and will intern turn on each other causing havoc and ultimately World Order will be established, a one Currency and one language will be enforced. Our Civil liberties will diminish, Life will not be the same as we know it.

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Miembro desconocido
11 jul 2023
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16 sept 2021

They will never admit to aliens because they deem it too good a cover for all their financial cheating. It gives them more room to keep on creating new technology at the taxpayers expense, and therefore, they can skim off the money.

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Dorothy Hyder
Dorothy Hyder
11 ago 2021

It will be written in a stimulus package because less than all of your fingers on both hands, how many people will read a 5,593 page stimulus package? So, we really can’t say the government do not reveal things of importance to us, but how many read the Washington Post or the government news?

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Miembro desconocido
11 jul 2023
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Dorothy Hyder
Dorothy Hyder
11 ago 2021

I believe all things are possible! As far as life is concerned, life is more abundantly! Put it in the respectively as an increase of life in all good things and in all good ways! Only a few believe in Truth! I believe the government know the truth about the increase of life but keep it for their fold! Trump open the world up to FAKE NEWS but only few could grasp i! I believe there are other human livable universes. There could be UFO’s here on planet earth for spiritual reasons of the abundant life.

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Stephen teaches about money, finance, getting out of debt and building tax free wealth.

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